12 February 2025
Regas rush: As Europe snatches FSRUs, where next for floating imports globally?
Publication date: 28 April 2023
Gas Strategies Group
10 Saint Bride Street
London UK
ISSN: 0964-8496
Twitter @GasStrategies
A number of floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) have arrived at European ports in recent months, as nations across the continent pivot away from Russian pipeline gas. Recent arrivals include the Gasunie-operated, 5.9 mtpa (8 Bcm/year) EemsEnergyTerminal in Eemshaven in the Netherlands, the Gasgrid-operated, 2.95 mtpa FSRU in the Finnish port of Inkoo, plus the three FSRUs that arrived in Germany in winter 2022-23: the 2.6 mtpa unit at Wilhelmshaven, where the capacity is to be expanded to 5.5 mtpa, the 5.5 mtpa Brunsbüttel FSRU and the 3.8 mtpa Lubmin FSRU.